Monday, July 17, 2006


I finally passed the baton to my successor, MoXiang (aka y-c cos y=mx+c) in a "chuan wei" ceremony which is quite lame of course. I'm sure that our heir will handle their new mantle with care and bring the Frozen Huagang to greater height, though I admit MoXiang still has too much link at the moment. I would make sure he has hyperlink soon.

Meanwhile xinyunxinyun is finally over. There's such an intensive emotional release that everyone got quite high after the xie mu, with yours truly amongst them. I guessed I finally fulfilled my mission, though unfortunately not in a bigger role, of reviving Huagang Yee Yun. I can left Huagang with a clear conscience, that I contributed to OUR production, BY us and ultimately FOR us to watch.

And then some other rumours had materialised into concrete links, with some with high potential of actually developing into "good-friends" or even romance, with no brokeback. You can refer to HP or Jensen post for more details. Meanwhile, being the "Linkable Lincoln", I'm still a noble gas existing as a solitary atom. This declaration is not an open invitation or whatsoever to tell you that I'm available or anything..., just reporting on my status.

The end is near and I wonder whether the new beginning would prove to be better...

Quote of the day
Homework: Something you needa get it done, though there's no need to get it right.
You need to done it, or you would be done for.

It's ok for love to be blind, as long as you don't lose your sense of taste.

From HongYe
*Someone* is effecient at getting things NOT done.

Can't think of more at the moment. Maybe will update soon.

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